Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Heart Strings" Award Wining Short Film

For the past three years I've taken part in the 48 Hour Film Project in Des Moines. In just 48 hours you have to write, direct, shoot and edit a short film.

This year the genre of film the River Run team had to make was romance. A cast and crew of 14 began shooting just before midnight on July 25 from a script I wrote with a heavy dose of improv. With Amy Anderson as the lead actress we shot until just after sunrise. With a little sleep here and there Paco Rosic edited "Heart Strings" and we turned it in before the cut off. 

It's fun to push yourself and try some different things in a short time span on a limited budget. It helps you appreciate when you a have a little more time and money to pull off a quality production.

August Update:
This year there were a total of 40 teams in competition and we made the top 12 best of the cities screening and ended up winning best cinematography and honorable mention in directing. This is the third year in a row winning best cinematography at the 48 Hour Film Project and this year I had the pleasure of sharing the award with co-director of photography Jon Van Allen (shown here holding his HVX camera) in my office. 

1 comment:

Vicki said...

This struck me as funny on so many levels! Great job Scott! (My favorite part is your little tag at the end about being a big deal in Des Moines.)
