I looked through our stock footage from last year and I found this fitting shot from Ragbrai. A young girl had "Marry Me Lance?" written on her back at the 35th annual event. Every year during the last week of July it's Daytona Beach meets New Orleans for the bike ride across Iowa. A Marti Gras on bicycles. Up to 10,000 bikes.
Ragbrai is the longest, largest and oldest touring bicycle ride in the world. Last year Lance Armstrong road the majority of the ride and Lance sightings were legendary. This young lady didn't want to miss the opportunity.
We received a call from Franklin Films down Nashville way to shoot a group of Ugandans for the national television program Joni and Friends Television Series. That TV series began airing on TBN this month. The Africans we were taping were riding as a fundraiser for Child Voice International. It gave us an opportunity to learn to ride a tandem bike and shoot HD footage at the same time.
It was a picturesque two hour ride/shoot through the rolling hills between Stout and Cedar Falls, Iowa surrounded by corn, farms and one romantic biker.